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JOIWAY 68th CSR Activities

JOIWAY again held the 68th GAPVAPE&JOIWAY Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) charity event on August 27, 2022, at the orphanage. JOIWAY realizes that children are the hope of our next generation. So as a way to improve their welfare, JOIWAY strives to support their social, physical, and spiritual needs. This time, JOIWAY visited the Jabal - Rahmah Orphanage which is located at Jl. Lt. Gen. Hertasning No. 46, Kassi-Kassi, Kec. Rappocini, Makassar City, South Sulawesi. Through our visit, we were welcomed by the head of the orphanage, Mr. Achmad Sijaya. He explained that the orphanage consisted of 50 people consisting of 23 boys and 27 girls. To support the needs of the children of the Jabal - Rahmah Orphanage, there are three caretakers who are responsible for taking care of them, namely Hasmi, Suarni, and Samsia. Every day, the orphanage children will be directed to carry out learning activities starting from English to recitation led by teachers provided by the orphanage. On certain holidays, the children celebrate them together such as iftar, sahur, and on weekdays, they relax in the living room to watch their favorite television program. On this occasion, JOIWAY again brought some necessities for the children of the Jabal - Rahmah Orphanage in the form of instant noodles, eggs, and several other necessities. JOIWAY hopes that the Jabal - Rahmah Orphanage will continue to facilitate the orphanage children so that they can prosper the lives of children as JOIWAY hoped from the beginning. The Jabal -

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